NO.54 ネザーレンガ専用の倉庫を作る(2) まいまいのマイクラな日々
NO.54 ネザーレンガ専用の倉庫を作る(2) まいまいのマイクラな日々 from yui-128.hatenadiary.jp

How to Make Nether Bricks in 2023

In 2023, Nether Bricks are still a popular material used for building and crafting. It is found in the Nether and is made from Netherrack. Nether Bricks give a unique look to your creations, whether it's a building, an item, or a functional block. Here’s how to make Nether Bricks in 2023.

Things You Will Need

  • Netherrack
  • Furnace

Step 1: Get Netherrack

The first step is to find some Netherrack. This is a type of rock found in the Nether. You can find Netherrack in most caves, ravines, and areas like basalt deltas. The best way to find Netherrack is to explore the Nether and look for any exposed areas of Netherrack. Once you’ve found some, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Smelt the Netherrack

Once you have the Netherrack, you’ll need to smelt it in a furnace. Place the Netherrack in the furnace and wait for it to smelt. Once it’s done, you’ll have a pile of Nether Bricks.

Step 3: Use the Nether Bricks

Once you’ve made the Nether Bricks, you can use them in a variety of ways. You can use them to make walls or floors, build structures, or craft items. Nether Bricks are also used in the creation of Redstone components, so they can be used for a variety of practical purposes as well.


Making Nether Bricks is a simple process that can take just a few minutes. All you need is some Netherrack and a furnace. Once you’ve made the Nether Bricks, you can use them in a variety of ways. Whether you’re building a structure, crafting an item, or creating a functional block, Nether Bricks can add a unique look to your creations.


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