新しい 石レンガ 建築 マイクラ マインクラフトの最高のアイデア from indriandablogjp.blogspot.com How to Make Bricks in Minecraft Prepare the Materials Before you can make bricks, you need to have the right materials. In order to make bricks, you need clay, sand, and gravel. You can find these materials in most biomes in the game. Once you have gathered the materials, you need to make sure they are in your inventory. Crafting Bricks Once you have the materials in your inventory, you can craft the bricks. To craft the bricks, open the crafting table and put the clay, sand, and gravel in the correct slots. Once you have placed the materials in the correct slots, the bricks will appear in the result slot. You can then move the bricks to your inventory. Building with Bricks With the bricks in your inventory, you can now start building with them. You can use the bricks to build walls, towers, or even entire buildings. The bricks can also be used to create designs and decorations. To place the bricks, simply left-clic...