長野県小県郡長和町産の黒曜石でペンダントを作りました 天然石のお店!地球(ほし)のかけら from ameblo.jp What You Need to Know About Obsidian and Its Uses What is Obsidian? Obsidian is a dark, naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. It is produced when lava cools rapidly with very minimal crystal growth. Obsidian is commonly found in areas of the world that have experienced volcanic activity. It is a mineral made up of silicon dioxide, and it ranges in color from black to grey and even green. Uses for Obsidian Obsidian has been used for centuries in various ways. It was used to make tools and weapons, for example, arrowheads, knives, and spearheads. Obsidian was also used for jewelry and decorative pieces. Today, obsidian is still used for making tools, jewelry, and sculptures. It is also used in the medical field, particularly in laser surgery. Obsidian as a Healing Stone Obsidian is also used as a healing stone. It is believed to have powerful metaphysical properties that can help to protect,...