【カスタムspポーションも作れる】一撃必殺スプラッシュポーションの作り方 マイクラ統合版/PE よーぐるさんのマイクラ日誌!! from yogurr19-minecraft.hatenablog.com What is a Splash Potion? A Splash Potion is a type of item found in the world of Minecraft. It is a potion that can be thrown or “splashed” to give certain effects to all entities within an 8 block radius. Splash Potions come in two varieties: positive effects and negative effects. Positive effects include things like healing, regeneration, speed boosts, and more. Negative effects include things like harming, slowing, and more. The Benefits of Using Splash Potions Splash Potions are incredibly useful for a variety of reasons. For one, they can be used to quickly heal or buff a large group of players and mobs at once. This can be incredibly helpful in multiplayer situations when members of the group need to heal up quickly. Splash Potions can also be used to create advantageous situations for the user and their allies. For example, a player can throw a Potion of Speed to give their...