【マイクラ教育】水流エレベーターで友達救出作戦 ド素人のマイクラ挑戦~プログラミング教育への道~
【マイクラ教育】水流エレベーターで友達救出作戦 ド素人のマイクラ挑戦~プログラミング教育への道~ from www.oyag-craft.com

How to Make a Minecraft Water Flow Elevator


Welcome to the world of Minecraft, the wildly popular game that has enthralled players of all ages for more than two decades. One of the many amazing features of the game is the ability to build and create your own structures, from simple houses to complex machines. In this article, we will go through the steps of creating a water flow elevator in Minecraft.

Materials Needed

Before you can build your water flow elevator, you will need to gather some materials. The materials you will need are: cobblestone, buckets, redstone, a lever, and water. You will also need access to a minecart rail.

Building the Elevator

Once you have gathered all of your materials, you can begin building your water flow elevator. The first step is to build a cobblestone frame around the area where you want your elevator to be. Make sure the frame is tall enough to hold the buckets of water you will be using. Next, place buckets of water around the frame. Make sure the buckets are facing downward so the water will flow down.

Adding Redstone and the Lever

Now it’s time to add the redstone and the lever. Place the redstone around the frame and then attach the lever. This will allow you to control the flow of the water, and ultimately control the elevator.

Connecting to the Minecart Rail

The final step is to connect your elevator to the minecart rail. This can be done by simply placing a track beneath the elevator, and then attaching the track to the minecart rail. Once you have done this, your water flow elevator is ready to use.
